
Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

University of Dundee and University of Oxford

2018 Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

For fundamental contributions to the discovery of pulsars, and a lifetime of inspiring leadership in the scientific community.


First and foremost I thank those who have made this Breakthrough Prize possible – the benefactors, the selection committee, and the Breakthrough staff and associates. My plan is that this generous sum of money goes to the Institute of Physics (IoP) for the UK and Ireland, to establish research studentships or scholarships for people from underrepresented groups in physics. I am grateful to the IoP for taking this on. I thank the Physics Department and Mansfield College of the University of Oxford for visiting profes-sorships, and the opportunity to be part of the Oxford University community. Mansfield’s commitment to offering an Oxford education to students who would not normally have that opportunity has guided my decision on the use of these funds. I thank former colleagues in radio, gamma-ray, X-ray, infrared and millimeter wave astronomy for patiently inducting me into these subjects and for enjoyable times. I particularly thank the pulsar community for immense kindness shown me over the last 50 years, for inclusion and regular updates on these amazing objects. Last but not least I thank my family for their continuing love and patience as I jet off, yet again, to some distant part of the world.

Ceremony Acceptance Video

Breakthrough Prize Symposium Talks

Breakthrough Prize Interviews

Selected Public Talks